Saturday, December 31, 2005

Your fcukin dreams.

Dreams. How easily we get & forget them. Problem is, some dreams last longer than some other dreams and eventually they develop into obsessions. I'm a good example.

For the whole fuckin month, I've been talking about the restaurant, the restaurant management, the restaurant proposal, the restaurant waitress and what the heck they're gonna wear, what.... the... fuck. And dreaming of making huge amount of money in the future, buying this and that... u know... yeah.

Right now...

I'm just so pissed off. I AM JUST SO PISSED OFF. You know why? Because the proposal is suddenly not required anymore just when I'm done. You know why? Because they fuckin just cancelled it half a mth ago without bothering to even tell me. My father, friends and the whole lot. W0000. What the fuck? Why do i fuckin bother pushing away good-paying jobs? WTF.


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