Sunday, March 26, 2006

Lately I'm working a little project to make a information system for the vet clinic. Found Infopage and it looks really good. Before that I have been fiddling with webpage making programs such as dreamweaver, Microsoft Visual Basics, Excel, Word, Access... blah blah blah. Its just all too time-consuming + 'chim' for me... sigh~

And anyway, I was about to make a folder 'Con' on my desktop... but it just wouldn't let me change the name! Wtf?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Been there, done that.

In Hongkong, there's a consecutive public holiday of like 5 days in this coming April.

I feel like coming back sg. But there's nothing much to do except drinking and...gaming... and hanging out with frens. Shd i visit some other place instead?

I like 'em lithe, dark haired, fair, skinny and bitchy 說:yes

I like 'em lithe, dark haired, fair, skinny and bitchy 說:this very nice place to go to

I like 'em lithe, dark haired, fair, skinny and bitchy 說:go to sleep

I like 'em lithe, dark haired, fair, skinny and bitchy 說:nicest place i ever visited

shiok sendiri

Sometimes we want to do entertainingly stupid things... but often, people around will often look at us like retards. Its simply socially unacceptable to do stupid things in public, in front of other people... like dancing in public to the trance music like they do in that LG U880 handphone commercial...

When a person does something very stupid, he is either:

a.) very courageous.
b.) very stupid.

Being either is hard. Or sucky. Or both.
But when you're being with friends... you'll realise that its not that hard. Its not that sucky either. And you don't need to be stupid or courageous to do something stupid.


Be Happy! Be with friends and do stupid things! :D

Friday, March 24, 2006

Living it the business way

If you spent your time studying, reading or doing things that increases self-worth instead of enjoying yourself...for two years... where would you be now?

If you saved all that money you spent on smoking, drinking, gaming, clubbing, or doing pointless things that wastes financial resources...for two years... how much money would you be having now?

This is a few questions from part of my 'look-at-life-as-if-its-a-business' project.

I wanna see how long can I take this. Everything will be looked strictly for profit, value/power increase and minimised losses... hahaha :P

Can you see me trying to eat leftovers for breakfast, lunch and dinner yet?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Sometimes I wanna go walk around town, find people to play games, buy clothes, gadgets, blow my money on crap. With people that I wanna be with(etc, friends, preferably close friends.).

I wanna go back to Singapore every week... hahahahahahaha~~~

Monday, March 20, 2006

Ahfaii Disconnected

If someone askes me how it feels like to be an computer/internet addict and what is it to go without it, I know the answer now.

Friday, March 10, 2006

It wasn't a dream.

So I really did go to Singapore last weekend. You can see that from the pictures. Right?

This stall sells wonderful curry chicken noodles... go check it out asap okay? Tell him ahfaii sent you and get an extra piece of chicken! :DKaiwei, a wonderful friend... waited for me all the way till 11pm just to have me try his curry noodles, then drove me around for tau-huay, entertained me the whole night I was with him with food, fun and games. He drove me all the way back to Bukit Panjang at 3am in the morning, even though he lives at Chinatown! Thanks man~!
Wonderful food, wonderful company... ~_~
Me. MD. Saharah. And there was this cute girl with shaky hands holding this camera...awwzed.Mystery person!! XD
Mystery person sent me off to the airport!! We had coffee at starbucks!! I had a fifteen minute appointment with the toilet right after that!! :D

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Smile, its a brand new day~

I slept for 3 hours. Woke up at 7am to deliver the grave news to the person it may have concerned.

"What is beyond my control I cannot change. But I'm not gonna let it depress me any further..."

I had a wonderful breakfast at mac, bought a little gift for myself (Check it out!) and went to work. Work was great. The first customer of the day was a cute korean lady. She had a dog called Butch. It was a huge Golden Retriever weighing at 43.5kg. The Korean lady wasn't so cute afterall; she started cursing in Korean when I explained that she needed to give Butch medicine twice a day - she is going overseas and blahblahblah.

But hey, why I'm I talking about that? It doesn't matter! I had a wonderful day still~


I'm glad I didn't open that fucking letter when I was in Singapore. It would have really ruined my mood for my little getaway...

Sake is wonderful. So is Warren and his family. My stay in Singapore has never been this wonderful before. I love all those who made the effort to come and meet up with me and I'm sorry that I pangseh-ed you lawrence. And to person concerned, I'm sorry to break my promise and not to sell my ipod nano for a super cheap price. Will get back to you if I can get a new ipod nano... heh.

I was back in the clinic today and I almost forgot everything. Everything seems blurred and I'm so confused. Blurted out stupid things from my half-witted brain.

I just wanna be drunk right now.

And whoever those that got pissed off with my "FUCK YOU SINGAPORE GAHMEN", I'm sorry. I'm just so pissed off with certain laws, certain parts of the government and certain fuckup combinations of those thingies. Its really fucking crap... FUCK.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Wonderful.... :)

The skies darkened as I walked to the bus stop.
Halfway there, it rained and I hopped into the taxi instead.

Chopin's music playing to my ears. A heavy downpour from the skies to go with it. Slowed driving...

What a bliss it is...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

i went to this cybercafe and forgot to log off my MSN.
the result of this terrible mistake was that having some sick fucker deleting everyone in my list.

please add me back guys... -_____-

Thursday, March 02, 2006

One, two & three...

Monday, 27th Feb...
I was needed to come to Singapore to do something...

Tuesday, 28th Feb...
Bought my airtickets and made warren let me stay at his place :D

Wednesday, 1st of March...
I'm in Singapore! Delivered the 20kg sample! Had a very, very coincidental encounter with Eliz at Yoshinoya! Had dinner with warren's parents and its was fantastic! Its been so long since I ate 'zhi char' in SG!!! XD

and i wanna meet as many friends, new friends and aquaintances... >_<

and i wanna be half-drunk for the rest of my life...

its weird. i find myself even more concious when i'm half drunk! lol~