Friday, December 09, 2005

ahfaii says:
This is the kinda time that I hate to be staying with family members
ahfaii says:
family problems.
ahfaii says:
the best thing is, you see solutions, but there's always people who refuse to accept it and refuse to believe that they're wrong.
ahfaii says:
I wish I had that kind of time / money to send my mom to a parenting course.
ahfaii says:
(hopefully there is one)
ahfaii says:
failing that, I figured the next best thing would be getting a book on 'how to talk to teenagers for parents'
ahfaii says:
i gtg
ahfaii says:


Anonymous said...

you know, that's kindda sad lol for a child to send their parent to a parenting course... ^^:;;

- bm

Fai said...

it is very insulting, but i figured it'd be really good somehow...

Anonymous said...

i think whether or not it's insulting to the parent would depend on how they think of the chlid sending them to it... in your case, your mom's having trouble with your brother, right? If she doesn't think of you as a kid she's responsible for knowing best for anymore, it may not even occur to her that she should feel insulted that you're sending her to a parenting course. But of course, if it's the kid they're having trouble with sending them to the course they'd be very upset ("so you're blaming me/us for you not behaving??" or something like that).
