Saturday, December 24, 2005


I started my day well with 3 hours of sleep.
I woke up miraculously exactly at 7.00am without the help of my alarm clock.
The water, air and the floor was all cold and it sucks to wake up to it.
Got onto the bus and slept a while. Ate breakfast alone in my office cubicle. It was delicious... :)

From 8.45am onwards, presents poured in. Many thanks to the wonderful lecturers and other colleagues for their wonderful presents. At lunchtime, we exchanged our presents and I got this wonderful neckerchief... :)

I came back to the office after the wonderful, super-2hr lunch with my colleagues. As I stepped into the office, my boss gave me a death-stare and minimized my hp to 1... which i happily held on to and did my work quickly...


Dinner was simple at Gramps'. Grandma cooked 3 of my favourite dishes. We had dinner and I walked home while thinking about the last entry I made. We trade time, energy and our willingness for just couples of tens of dollars. Is it really, worth it? Is that all I'm worth for an hour? I pondered on it somemore...

"My dream for my life would be an ambitious one..."

"From milleniums passed, people have been enslaved to do work for sustainence and survival. Gradually, people grew out of it and entered another age of slavery. Trade time, energy and your will for some pathetic amount of money so that you can feed yourself everyday and buy basic clothes to keep you warm...but not the things you really, REALLY want."

"Help the poor countries develop a self-sustaining economy, make food plentiful and feed everyone for almost-free... Eventually, when no one is hungry, people do not work for food anymore, but for the greater good of all..."


I've gotta be kidding... :\


Anonymous said...

Well, a smart picture!Or the neckerchief too attractive? I just guess if you like that color,but I think it suits you!^^

Fai said...

Thank you Alice :)

Anonymous said...



Fai said...

Merry Christmas to you too K :>

Anonymous said...

did you know that the best way to help africa's starving children is to buy their food? Weird, right?

But it's economics. The food they produce is pretty much the only thing they have to offer ATM to trade internationally. But it's not enough nutritional and distribution- wise to help its own people. It's also useless unless someone is willing and able to purchase it. By buying their food, you're giving them money, which is much more useful to them than just the food you bought and they can use this money to buy more things, such as cheaper/better food, medicines and other things and it helps set their economics into motion.

So next time someone talks about giving things to these third world countries, consider the benefits of "taking" things from them instead!

Also, suntan lotion gives african children skin cancer.

- bm