Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The meaningless things

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!

Your Ideal Relationship is Marriage

You've dated enough to know what you want.
And that's marriage - with the right person.
You're serious about settling down some time soon.
Even if you haven't met the person you want to get hitched to!

What Your Sleeping Position Says

You are calm and rational.
You are also giving and kind - a great friend.
You are easy going and trusting.
However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games.

You Are... Ride.

You are young at heart and full of energy. You are
talented but very modest. You are happy go
lucky and care free. You have learned to take
the good with the bad and you just accept life
for being what it is. People tend to be envious
of you, That's only because they don't
understand you and they just want some of what
you have. There's no task too hard for you and
you excel at pretty much everything you try to
do. You have a playful personallity and a
beautiful inner soul.

what Creation Records band are you? (complete with text and images)
brought to you by Quizilla


My father is getting remarried with TheSlut. Yeah.

I thought I could just pretend that it didn't happen, until my brother asked me just now...

"gor gor, ba ba tong bin gor git fun ah? ho mo wa bei ma mi ji ah?"

It means, "Bro, who's daddy marrying? Should we tell mom about it?"

I don't know. I have no answer to that question. I've been hiding this terrible truth from Mom for quite some time already. Everytime Mom asks about Dad and how's he doing, I've to lie and I'm not comfortable in doing so. I avoid that question as much as I can.

I hate my father. I hate myself. I hate TheSlut. I hate what has become of our family.

I'm not going to attend that wedding. I don't want to...

I didn't want to mention anything about TheSlut either... but since I'm mentioning it right now, I might as well say it all...

I was in China on a sunday night, having dinner with Dad, TheSlut, and their friends Wong & Xu. Dinner was great until TheSlut starts talking...

"Wow, look at that kid... so cute. Next time I want to give birth to one cute baby girl too..."

I was flabbergasted. I have never felt so... undescribable. It was a mixture of fear, anger, hate and almost a choking sensation. I couldn't imagine what would happen if she actually had kids... I really can't.

Things are happening and we can't stop it. The date's been picked and its none of my business that they are getting period. I'll just be nice to my father and TheSlut. TheSlut will always be TheSlut and shall never replace my mother who suffered so much for this heartless fucker...

But still, he is my father afterall. But what kind of father is he if he doesn't provide for me or my mother but drain all her savings and owe 3 years of ailmony...?!

He is still my father and I am his son.

PS: Please don't go around telling anyone/everyone about this... I don't want my mother to know about this. I just need a place to vent my frustration and I REALLY DON'T WANT HER TO KNOW. Thank you for reading this...and keeping this a secret, online and for yourself only. I can't imagine what my mother would do if she knew about this...


Anonymous said...

Cheer up,my friend.
There are many thing not within our control. Learn to accept things which you cant change.
Show ur mum more care and concern bah..

Lawrence said...

take care pal..

ps , if you dont ever want yr mom to find out.. delete the internet cookies =D

Maggie said...

thanks for dropping by my blog. boy, i don't know what goes on in your life, but just by reading your post, i can feel your frustration and anger. it didn't seem like your dad did right by you and your mom, but of course i don't know any details. but please remember that it takes two in a relationship and as hard as it may sound, it's between them. it's really very unfortunate that usually it's the kids who suffer the most in a situation like a divorce, but you sounded like a young mature person and i hope you'll come to terms with it. obviously you will have to deal with your hatred towards your soon to be step mother. is it something that you could talk to your dad about? or anybody else for that matter? i'm sorry i'm bugging my nose into your business, but after reading your post, i just felt compelled to write something, for better or for worse... well, enough babbling, i hope you do well, and please come back to visit my blog.