1. Asked for a glass of Red Wine on board the airplane and got a bemused look+weird 'okay' from the stewardess as a bonus. I do not know why... but well, at least she didn't ask me for my passport. The wine's from France and its not bad at all. ouht keep a bottle at home... hehe~
2. Totally forgot my assignment's deadline which means I'd probably have to freakin repeat my course...argh...-pwned-
3. Watched Pirates of the Carribeans 3. Stayed for 'special ending'. Had a long and well deserved toilet break after that...
4. Stayed in a queue for Boon Lay Nasi Lemak for 15 minutes without moving more than a few steps, had Ba Chor Mee instead...
5. Stepped on Singapore's grass! Its a wonderful feeling. They just don't have this kinda grass over there...
4. Enjoyed a 28 hours non-stop gaming therapy session with the boney dragon that rendered us dead tired,
5. Did a terrible presentation at the meeting with client. The deal is... sigh... =_=;
6. Ate Murtabak @ Zam-Zam! Delicious! Yummy! Hooooorayyyy! I love curry :D :D :D
7. Visited Geylang with the First person on our phonelists! And the Cow! The bastards! :P
*(Please kindly change his name on your phonelist to "Mr. First" or "Mr. Peng" from now on, so that he can suffer less of your 'accidentally call him non-stop' that he does not enjoy.)
8. Met Liz and a terrible gatekeeper with a bad attitude at Gate 42 which closed the gate at me, giving me a good excuse to stay another few days in Singapore...
7. Bought Pandan Cake...sigh.
Upcoming in production for youtube... :
The Pirates of the Pandan Leaves: Curse of the Pandan Cake!
6. Sat at coffee bean or some equivalent cafe @ Central with Ms. Viktoria & Co.
They are all nice, kinda kinky and crazy...
5. Passed by this cafe/restaurant place en route to a meet-a-melon session. Promised self to go there next time when he comes back to Singapore...
4. Played with Kaiwei's Canon 400D SLR Camera with that really cool pair of lens. Very tempted to pay 12 months of installments for it...very tempted. Had Nasi Goreng Ayam with him, his bro and cow after ripping lots of his wonderful photos which I will probably not share with u all.... ehehehehe~
3. For last third entry, I'd prove to you that cow's middle raised fingers' a permanent fixture on his hand. Just like hoofs on a cow eh...? And OH! HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND NOW! RAISE THE ALARMS! TELL EVERYONE! THE WITCH HUNT HAS BEGAN!!!!! XD
2. The last day on Singapore grounds. Second time to the airport in 7 days' time. No more money to burn. On board the 'legendary "LP" locker of doom... I was tied to a lousy chair, without water(unless i paid for amazingly exorbitant prices for it) and then transported to Hong Kong on that noisy machine. In my mind, I think I heard a voice saying this... "And in an emergency, if you're gonna need to walk the plank, lay it out yourself by pulling the two handles right next to ya! Don't know how to do it or cannot do it, die lor! We 'JS piratez' ain't gonna help ya with that! :P"
1. Back in Hong Kong. Hungry and poor. Burger King has taken Mcdonald's position @ the airport and is now selling burgers at 'UNBEATABLE' prices like SGD$8 a set meal! Wah lan!
Singapore Burger King how to compare!!!! LOL~
Thanks for not bringing back Krispy Kreme, and thanks for helping me make a public announcement -.-
You're welcome~ :D
Be happy that you're being in Krispykreme-less land... or else u'd have more spare tires to burn lor... LOL~!
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