Friday, June 15, 2007

Life, normal.

---About work

My job, by itself is not too tough. I just need to manage people without educations of any kind that probably hates me a lot, keeping quality of our products in control while the people who do it are ruining it, ensuring rules and regulations are being abided to even though its near impossible to be followed...

Its the details, the small little details that are hard to handle. I feel like I'm working against a torrent of obstructions; my lack of knowledge in the technical expertise even though I've been here for nearly a year already, the people I work with and the language they speak (hunanese. sounds like mandarin but with a strange tongue curl to it.), which makes communication extremely hard. And even without it, it would be pointless also. What do they care about me anyway? duh.

There's been a problem with some stuff we ordered from Singapore and I might need to be attached to that company that makes the goods, as a QC... I'm looking forward to it....very much.

---About family

I spoke to my father last night about my brother and the exams he failed.

We are both aware that there's a problem in this whole situation; no one in the family actualy dotes on him, plays with him, or actually does things that are happy with him. My mom screams at him like crazy on the slightest things, me and my father in china most of the time, exposure to friends would be those online, on pellet-gun forums etc. We are concerned, very.

Father always say that buying things and encouraging him to play with interestings that he can learn from. It is not a bad thing actually, just that bro has no interest in anything like that. I see the whole scenario repeated again. His 'oh-lets-go-play+disect-this-and-learn-something-out-of-it-session'. Now that he doesn't have time, he stuffs bro with money and tells him that. Bro doesn't do that; bro buys guns with the money received and makes dad angry. Its a endless cycle.

Dad said he's hopeless. A cow can be brought to the river, but you can never make it drink.

I explained to him once again on my philosophy of learning. A person who wants to learn, is fueled by the passion that is 'infected' upon him or her by various factors such as environment, peers or his/her lifestyle. With a passion to do something, that person will want to find out the methods how to do it best.

To infect, is to make the cow thirsty. Walk it a few ten miles of road without water, then bring it to the river...

But the question that remains unanswered is, how to make bro thirst for knowledge? And who should do it?

---About the restaurant project
I discussed my restaurant plans with my cousin recently. He has the cash, and good management skills, great personality... all he needs is a good executor of his plans, which he hopes would be me.

But whats in it for me after it takes off?


Anonymous said...

-- About work
I think u need to shoot them with a gun or Seriously take the suggestion i gave u in msn.
-- About family
Send your brother to a detention barracks. If not u can always try those religious schools. May not be the best option but maybe faith can help him
-- About the restaurant project
You no $ so u sell youur idea to people (your cousin in tis case) then u help him run it, and use it to benefit your job experience and portfolio loh.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah i forgot to mention pelase come back to singapore faster. thanks :>