Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Its your money, or money. Your life's worthless...

Looking on the positive side as usual, I now have a valid excuse to purchase a brand new camera because my old one doesn't work anymore. The last time I tried to switch it on, it looked like a detonating time-bomb; it was getting hotter by the minute while the red light kept blinking and blinking.

I'm looking at my options between a SLR camera or just the old, regular 'something-that-i-can-stick-in-my-pocket' ones...

Or maybe I'll even change my handphone too. Get that latest sony ericsson cybershot hp and a Sony Alpha SLR.... :)~

That would be sooo perfect... >_<;


Its been really busy these days. I'm working for my father now; 7 days a week, at least 9 hours a day. I feel quite stupid about not asking how much he's gonna pay me. Maybe its because I wouldn't expect much from him / don't want to take so much from his now-already-dying company. Many of the workers have left now... I don't know. He is still trying to work his way out of the debts... I'd feel really guilty if I make him pay me $8000.(given the overtime and etc I have to do, I suppose I could get about $6500 at least. Throw in the amount of overtime and I'll have $8000)

I have breakfast with him daily. He is very, very stressed.
Eyes are always slightly red and watery; a obvious sign of sleeplessness.
A terrible temper to deal with anything other than customers; a sign of stress.
Hopes of getting out of debt are constantly mentioned, repeatedly...

I'll get stressed out too you know... :(

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