Monday, April 03, 2006

Self therapy...

x smoked a cigarette
x smoked a cigar
x made out with a member of the same sex
x been in love <<< awwz.
x been dumped <<< awwz... ouch.
x shoplifted <<< got caught. punishment has not been forgotten until now... @_@
x been fired <<< for being totally fucked up... hahahaha~
x been in a fist fight <<< ...
x snuck out of parent’s house <<< hah thats like the normal routine back then!
x had feelings for someone who didnt have them back all the time <<< T_T
x been arrested <<< style="font-weight: bold;">.
x made out with a stranger.
x gone on a blind date once, only & last <<< friendster date... grr. butt ugly... -_-;;
x lied to a friend <<< i'm sorry... but well...
x had a crush on a teacher <<< Ms Han, Ms Wong... yummy.... mwahahhaa~
x skipped school <<< what could they've done when my parents were overseas? muahaha!!!
x slept with a co-worker >>> I WISH! Hahhaahhaha~!
x seen someone die <<< animals euthanized... does it count? well, the only time was when those captured person got caught by the terrorists...Al Qaeda i think... that headshot bang video.
x been overseas <<< wh0a?
x been on a plane <<< actually i lied! i swam all the way to hk from sg! XD
x thrown up in a bar <<< right outside the bar, yes.
x set a part of myself on fire
x eaten sushi <<< who hasn't?!
x gone crazy at a concert
x love someone or miss someone right now <<< its not like its important... heh
x laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
x made a snow angel
x had a tea party <<< back then... yeah.
x flown a kite
x built a sand castle doesn't look like one though <<< ~_~;
x gone puddle jumping
x played dress up <<< haha wanna see me in my costume?
x jumped into a pile of leaves
x gone sledding <<< in Canada and Korea... fun shit :D
x cheated while playing a game <<< what is considered cheating ah? haha
x been lonely once in a blue moon <<< all the time :x fallen asleep at work/school <<< many times... many many times...
x used a fake id
x watched the sun set <<< in the morning skies, on the boat....
x felt an earthquake
x touched a snake
x been tickled [the person i got this quiz from said this : I'll kick anyone in the face if anyone dare to try that]
x been robbed <<< in china... yes. fuck.
x been misunderstood <<< all the time.... i have communication problems.
x won a contest
x ran a red light
x been suspended from school <<< thats for truancy and for the fight... :x been in a car accident
x had braces
x felt like an outcast <<< all the time when i was in sec sch...
x eaten a whole tub of ice cream in one night <<< not like its so hard to :o
x had deja vu <<< ALOT!
x danced in the moonlight
x hated the way you look
x witnessed a crime <<< not once, not twice... more than thrice. all in china.
x questioned your heart <<< who do i really love... yeah. I'm kinda flirty~ hehehe~
x been obsessed with post-it notes <<< i'm still obsessed with post-its... and the office staff still doesn't know it yet!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
x squished barefoot through the mud <<< from one side of the river to another during some stupid camp shit.... grr.
x been lost <<< very long ago... when i was a kid. Tugged to a wrong parent in the uber crowded shopping centre... -_-;
x been to the opposite side of the country <<< hahahhaha what an achievement!!!
x swam in the ocean <<< Every year, on the first day of the year.
x felt like dying <<< whenever i have to do homework... hahahaha!
x cried yourself to sleep
x played cops and robbers
x recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers

x sung karaoke <<<>_>
x paid for a meal with only coins <<< ( just to screw the cashier for offering bad customer service)
x done something you told yourself you wouldn’t <<< don't forget to do homework... don't... ... ... don't do homework.
x made prank phone calls to a crush many years back
x laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose

x caught a snowflake on your tongue <<< in korea... :P
x danced in the rain
x written a letter to Santa Claus
x been kissed under the mistletoe

x watched the sun set with someone you care about <<< ahh :)
x blown bubbles <<< yeah... dunno how long ago?
x made a bonfire on the beach
x crashed a party
x gone rollerskating

x had a wish come true <<< yeah... but i'm not telling since it was a very secret wish... hah!
x worn pearls
x jumped off a bridge

x ate dog/cat food >>> just for the fun of it :x
x told a complete stranger you loved them <<< very embarassing... but strangely satisfying.
x kissed a mirror <<< ...
x sang in the shower <<< lalala!~
x have a black dress <<< HELL NO!
x had a dream that you married someone <<< i once dreamt i married this friend of mine... yes i did. I never went out with her afterwards... :o (or maybe she didn't come out anymore when i told her abt it... :o)
x glued your hand to something
x got your tongue stuck to a something metal
x kissed a fish
x worn the opposite sexes clothes
x been a cheerleader

x sat on a roof top <<< ~_~;
x screamed/shouted at the top of your lungs <<< just for the fun of it... hahaha~
x done a one-handed cartwheel
x talked on the phone for more than 5 hours <<< girlfriend... bleh.
x stayed up all night <<< its like an everyday thing? lol!
x didn’t take a shower for a week
x pick and ate an apple right off the tree
x climbed a tree <<< :)
x had a tree house/club house
x are scared to watch scary movies alone
x believe in ghosts
x have more then 30 pairs of shoes
x worn a really ugly outfit just to see what others say
x gone streaking
x played chicken
x been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on <<<>_>;
x been told you’re hot by a complete stranger <<< the canteen auntie? hahahahha!!!
x caught a fish then ate it <<< At tioman islands, on the boat. Fried instantly... hehe :D
x caught a butterfly
x laughed so hard you cried <<< Memorable. I unclogged the toilet after 3 hrs of pumping... hahahahahhaha!!!
x cried so hard you laughed
x mooned/flashed someone
x had someone moon/flash you
x cheated on a test <<< had the answers written on my pencil... hehehhehehe :x
x have a Britney Spears CD
x forgotten someone’s name <<< >_>;;; embarassing...
x slept naked <<< oops :P
x wanted to have sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush <<< ~_~;
x been obsessed with a band

1 comment:

Fai said...

what? hahaha~ :D