Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Your support is my motivation

I am a unique person that daydreams about making products all the time.

Some people call it daydreaming and tell me better keep my feet on the ground.

Some people call it a creativity at work and it's good to do that.

Thank you for telling me what you think.

I'll do what I need to do.

Even though its taking away my precious time and health, I believe its worth it.

Why can't i do it later? Well, I can... but it wouldn't be as good.

In fact, the theory is the same for everything else; If you need to go to the bathroom now, going later is fine... ya? Hahaha~

Therefore in theory, creativity is like shit?

Fuck theories! XD

Onwards to my strange and wonderful world of ideas!


Anonymous said...

You sound like you just broke some eggs, why don't you make some omelette .. heh

ahfaii, 23 coming to 24... said...

or I could wait until it becomes stinking rotten and throw at some random passerby below my house? :D :D :D

Mister Spore said...

Stop daydreaming about coming back to Singapore and quickly do it can. Chinese New Year would be a good time.

ahfaii, 23 coming to 24... said...

You're right...
I should come back! :D