I am the kind of people that is quite afraid of being hated by others.
These few salespersons from California Fitness probably saw through that.
Techniques like "no-buts interruption", "hide possible problems under the carpet" and "exploiting weaknesses through high-pressure" were very well executed.
So I lost HKD$1685 to them for 'one year's subscription international worldwide membership' which doesn't include monthly HKD$699 worth of payment to them.
Almost another $1800 if I don't slap myself awake soon enough...x_x;;;
Maybe this is the kind of pain i must go through before i'd actually make any actual effort to remove the fats from my body... the cherishing of things around us.... machiam "Saw" liddat ... lol~
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I was, there.

Yeap. Flew back to Singapore a couple of days ago for a couple of days for a couple of meals with a couple of friends for a couple of outings. I spent some days in pain from a terrible diarrhea, had some bochaiyuens and plain white porridge... and then I was back in HK.
And then I flew back to Singapore,
with Martin waiting for me at the airport for me...
to take him to wonderland... hehehe~

Whos the girl? ask me lah! lol~

Then this one? Just ask Martin!

Why is he smiling? :D
Come over China and ask me lah! :D
And then I flew back to Singapore,
with Martin waiting for me at the airport for me...
to take him to wonderland... hehehe~

Whos the girl? ask me lah! lol~

Then this one? Just ask Martin!

Why is he smiling? :D
Come over China and ask me lah! :D
Monday, April 16, 2007
You shall support her!

Ms. Christabel Campbell :DDD
She has my vote!!! Vote for her!!!
Its strange lah.
Looking through friendster at all the people I have not talked to ever since I left Singapore...
I realized that many people are going full speed ahead in their careers and etc..
That reminds me I should be doing the same as well, since I am 'Kiasu'... :D
Decisions = Responsiblities

People are less educated in the countrysides of China.
They were not taught on how not to cross the roads.
Even if they were, they do not follow such rules since its the normal culture of their society.
I'm sure it'd be crazy for me to follow those rules.
Imagine a pedestrian crossing (about 10 lanes) with only 4 seconds to cross? siaobo?! lol~
Today I was at Macau for some gravesweeping with my relatives. Went to a very nice Restaurant in the Westin Resort for lunch and won some money on the mahjong tables from my relatives.
I took a bus to the Macau-Hongkong pier. On the way there, 2 crazy china-chinese bitches ran across the busy road and got me freaking hammered on the metal bar above the seat there. My finger bled from the friction caused, for like 1 whole freaking hour...
The anger was all over me. I felt like getting off the bus to give them both tight slaps for that... but what for? Personal philosophy says that anger is not the way to manage things, but revenge is a sweet antidote to where it hurts. I blame their slack and corrupted governments for not educating their public. Then I figured it was not really the government's fault at that moment of time... it was the individuals decision to cross the road in this manner. The government was just 1 of the many factors that caused this kind of things to happen...
Fuck you bitches.... -.-;
Friday, April 13, 2007
博客裏流行的擊鼓傳花遊戲:: You are the chosen ones!
1.被點到名字的要在自己的博客裏寫下自己的答案, 並且要加一個題目,並將加好的題目連同原來的一起, 傳到其他6個人還要到這6個人的博客裏留言通知對方--你被點名了, 被點名者不得拒絕回答問題,完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的祝福。
2.這6個人要在自己的博客裏注明是在哪裹接到題的, 並且再想一個題目傳給其他6個人讓遊戲繼續下去, 不得回傳,被點到名字的人將得到大家的祝福, 並且所有的美麗願望都會在不久的以後實現。
點名陷害我的人:Sara! :P
Q1: 如果看到自己最愛的人熟睡在你面前你會做什麼?
Hug her tight
1.被點到名字的要在自己的博客裏寫下自己的答案, 並且要加一個題目,並將加好的題目連同原來的一起, 傳到其他6個人還要到這6個人的博客裏留言通知對方--你被點名了, 被點名者不得拒絕回答問題,完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的祝福。
2.這6個人要在自己的博客裏注明是在哪裹接到題的, 並且再想一個題目傳給其他6個人讓遊戲繼續下去, 不得回傳,被點到名字的人將得到大家的祝福, 並且所有的美麗願望都會在不久的以後實現。
點名陷害我的人:Sara! :P
Q1: 如果看到自己最愛的人熟睡在你面前你會做什麼?
Hug her tight
Q2: 寫首自己最最喜愛的歌?
huh whats this question about? x_x
Q3: 當你最不知道穿什麼顏色的時候,你會選擇什麼顏色?
Blue and Black - Nice and Simple :D
Q4: 2006年你最後悔的一件事是什麼?
I shouldn't have bought an ipod... :\
Q5: 曾經有過最被感動的事是什麼?
Watching "Fly me to Polaris(星愿)"... it was the first movie I got teary-eyed at..
Q6: 比較喜歡
Mom. Because she is my mother :)
Q7: 你最想要的5樣東西是什麼?
1. All the things from Ikea, including the space of their shops.
2. More friends in Hong Kong / China
3. A Pentium duo-core 1.83 ghz notebook with Windows Vista Ultimate
4. More money, just like everyone else
5. My degree from OUHK... :~|
Q8: 最後一次發自內心的笑是什麼時候:
I'm too young to tell when the last time I'd do that right? :\
Q9: 如果給你一個機會去世界上任何一個地方旅行,是哪里?
Just to travel? I'd go to... Dubai.... find more ways to make more money x_x;;;
Q10: 如果時間能倒流你希望回到哪一天:
The first day of secondary school, so that I can change everything that went wrong in my
Q11: 最想實現的三個願望是什麼?
Kinder Surprise! 3 wishes in one! Hehe~
I want fun, love and to have enough resource to make everyone's life better!
Q12: 我在你眼裏什麼樣?
A really nice, helpful person that has staunch faith in God :)
Q13: 如果讓你擁有一種超能力,你願意擁有什麼呢?為什麼?
Teleportation, so that I'd never be late again x_x;
Q14: 最喜歡哪部電影?
Infernal Affairs (无间道)
Q15: 與喜歡的人見面,想要穿成什麼樣?
For a strong first impression I'd probably get the best out of my closet, which also
should match the occasion I'm meeting her for... :P
Q16. 你喜不喜歡我?
Yes, and thats' probably why I'm spending my time doing this... :P
Q17: 如何向喜歡的人表白?
I will never do that :o
Q15: 與喜歡的人見面,想要穿成什麼樣?
For a strong first impression I'd probably get the best out of my closet, which also
should match the occasion I'm meeting her for... :P
Q16. 你喜不喜歡我?
Yes, and thats' probably why I'm spending my time doing this... :P
Q17: 如何向喜歡的人表白?
I will never do that :o
Q18: 如果你愛的人不愛你怎麼辦?
Then I'd look for another one. NEXT! :P
Q19: 你會選擇having *** before marriage嗎?
Probably, yes.
Q20: 世界末日,你會倖存,並且你可以救一個人,你會怎麼做?
...another one of those mother/wife questions... ahh well...I'd save Sara, because she
handed me this quiz ... hahahaha~
Q21: 你在乎別人看你的眼光嗎?會為了眾人的反對放棄自己想要的東西或人嗎?
I have faith in what I see, but I also listen to people's reason not to do something.
We are all like just 3 blind people telling each other how an elephant looks like...so it really
Q22: 想要擁有一個怎樣的聖誕?
A happy one! And only with my family because I'd hope that my friends would be at home
with their families on this occasion too :)
A happy one! And only with my family because I'd hope that my friends would be at home
with their families on this occasion too :)
Q23: 如果我們不認識。。你還想和我做朋友麼?
Why not? :P
Q24: 對我的第一印象和現在的感覺?
err... hmm~
When did I meet you anyway? Since I came to EPCL only right?
First impression of you was that you were the nice, helpful and a lil' silly kinda person :P
And nothing much has changed my perception about you so far... haha~
Q25: 你約他(她)遲到多久你會等?
6 hours... -.-;;;
Its dumb, but whats the not-dumb thing about love? Love=Dumb
Q26: 在什麼時候會想到我?
When you call me... :o
Q27: 2007年最想幹什麼?
Learn all the tricks and rules of my father's trade, and take over the factory. Then open a
restaurant and then buy a few cars if i'd afford it, yeap. Is that a great plan or what? :P
Q28: 如果有天你死了,希望是什麼死法?
Car accident. I'd hate to die from cancer or things that'd I'd know in advance.. :(
Q29: 男生:你愛的人不是處女你還會娶她並且一如既往的愛她嗎?
I wouldn't marry a virgin! Hahahahahahaha~
Q30: 朋友到底是怎樣的?
True friends know my true nature and they accept it. We are not perfect, we are just
Q31: 如何拒絕追求你的人?
Isolate that person / Show that person the bad side of me...
Isolate that person / Show that person the bad side of me...
Q32: 最想做什麼動物?
Cat... so that I can eat and sleep everyday! And get into territorial fights too... hahahaha~
Q33: 如果你和你現在的女(男)朋友在路上碰到你以前的女(男)朋友,你會怎麼辦??
We're all adults... just say hi-and-bye ;)
Q34: 覺得一直和一個人呆在一起會有一天厭倦嗎?(朋友或戀人)
Usually, no. But if its someone that I've seen for the whole of a month, yes...
Q35: 鬱悶的時候怎麼辦?
Play game to numb myself and other pleasurable activities...which you'd rather not know.
Q36: 最適合你發呆的地方?
In front of a good computer with a cup of warm tea, temperature @ 18 degrees celsius...
Q37: 你心目中理想的愛人是什麼樣子呢?
She is smart and knows how to keep me happy. She accepts my weaknesses, but does not
tolerate it all the time. She earns some money, hopefully not more than me. She is not as
sexy as Angelina Jolie, but she's not too ugly to be with either. She is educated and
graceful too... and blahblahblah...
Q38: 你相信一見鍾情還是日久生情啊?
都信吧?! (me 2)
Q39: 在你的生命中,是友情勝過愛情,還是愛情勝過友情?為什麼?
Friendship; because the connection is not as fragile as love.
Q40: 最想要的公司福利是怎麼樣的?
ermmmm.....? A private car and airplane jet at disposal? hehehe~
Q41: 願意離開家到很遠的地方去追尋幸福嗎?
Yes. That's why I'm here...
Yes. That's why I'm here...
Q42: 你在大家面前和自己一個人時,差別有多大?
I don't know... it depends.
Q43: 下面兩樣你更喜歡哪個?雪山還是大海?
I'd rather die on the ice mountain than the sea... at least I'd have a corpse frozen for
eternity... x_x
Q44: 你最崇拜誰,理由?
Bill Gates, because he has made lots of money and changed our lifestyles...
Q45: 如果胡錦濤讓位給你...你想如何改造中國?
Yes. I will lay the freakin SMACKDOWN! on those corrupted officials that are useless in
developing china into the strongest power in the world, one level by one level(from the
highest level). With lesser money lost to corruption, China can become a much more
powerful country than any other in the world~And then I will... blahblahblah...
Q46: 如果你坐在一個面朝大海的窗前,有一個寫字臺,上面有一張紙一支筆,你想寫給誰,寫些什麼?
I'd write to my lawyer, my will. And then the next paper would be my pre-death
thoughts... hahahaha~
Yes. I will lay the freakin SMACKDOWN! on those corrupted officials that are useless in
developing china into the strongest power in the world, one level by one level(from the
highest level). With lesser money lost to corruption, China can become a much more
powerful country than any other in the world~And then I will... blahblahblah...
Q46: 如果你坐在一個面朝大海的窗前,有一個寫字臺,上面有一張紙一支筆,你想寫給誰,寫些什麼?
I'd write to my lawyer, my will. And then the next paper would be my pre-death
thoughts... hahahaha~
Q47: 迄今為止,你幹過最尷尬的事是什麼?
Just last week. I table-danced on a table to some of the richest people in Dongguan when I
lost some stupid game... x_x;;
Q48: 假如能讓你選擇兩個日期(出生和死亡)你會分別選擇哪一天?為什麼?
ehh... birthday will remain at 11/Dec/83... but I'd like to die 80 years later on
12/Dec/2063(so that everyone will be there to say goodbye to me and still have a good
laugh at it... hahaha)
ehh... birthday will remain at 11/Dec/83... but I'd like to die 80 years later on
12/Dec/2063(so that everyone will be there to say goodbye to me and still have a good
laugh at it... hahaha)
Q49: 你覺得曖昧是一種幸福嗎?
Whats 曖昧??
Q50: 你覺得跟我認識是相見恨早還是相見恨晚?
This is such a complex question! Who set this quiz...?
Whats 曖昧??
Q50: 你覺得跟我認識是相見恨早還是相見恨晚?
This is such a complex question! Who set this quiz...?
Q51: 你被我點名的時侯,有咩感覺??
I was wondering what was the '點名' thing about. I couldn't log on to my blog or yours in
Q52: 可以變身的話希望變成什麼?
Q53: 你覺得男人跟狗這兩種生物,有沒有什麼差異之處?
waiiiiii......... -.-
Q54: 你覺得呢個世界奸人多定好人多呢?咁點算好呀?
Having a 20%奸人 -80%好人 would be nice... if there are too many奸人in the world, people
would probably feel quite hopeless when they get cheated... :x
Q55: 如果你有10蚊澳門幣會做d乜?
Save it in my cash box with all the rest of the 10 dollar macau notes which my grandma
give to me every year...
Q56: 形容一下中國人
The average Chinese in China is poor, compared with the average Hongkonger. They look
forward to the day they can have same wages as we do, get the same treatment we get.
Their clothes are flashy, screaming "i'm rich and i can afford LV!" with their fake LV bags.
They do not see how their clothes are any different from Hongkongers; but they wonder
how come people look at them with strange eyes.
Generally they do not believe in working hard for the "Hong Kong Dream", since there's no
possibilities of that happening just by working hard. Saving every single cent is their
motto and taking advantages of stupid, rich foreigners is a must-do. Sabotaging your
manager is a good way to get a higher position at the workplace and sacrificing people in the
process are okay.
It is a sad place that they live in and they know it. They are also very angry at the
corrupted officials, because they aren't part of it or that these corrupted officials are taking
too much in bribes and not helping anyone. People die when they try to rebel against
the government. A dead hush over everyone who talks about it.
But there are good parts of the China-chinese people too. Just move the focus away from
the bad side and look again... we are all chinese and we have some similar values in life. Its
really not that bad...
Q57: 你覺得我有咩地方需要改善的空間
I need more concentration... and I need more control.
Q58. 記得我們怎樣認識嘛?情景是怎樣?形容下吧!
We met at EPCL somewhere. At the general office and u needed to get something? No? :o
Q59. 想過一個怎樣的生日?
A birthday with many people, members of my original family.... yeah :D
Q60. 想做靚女(仔)定想做一個叻女(仔)? 為甚麼?
靚仔...because I'm an attention grabber... hahahaha~
Q61. 你有沒憎恨過人?
Q62. 有無暗戀過人?
姣婆粉? Whats that?
God's help :)
Q65. 估我做乜會搵你??
For parties, birthday parties... which reminds me how come u didn't send anything to me
about our common friend's bday thingy... x_x;;
Having a restaurant and a super cool-vip room where only my friends can come... hahaha~
Q65. 把這句的xxx給作好成一個句子?世界上最遙遠的距離,並非是生與死的距離,而是xxx;
err??? what? oh! (i got it when I read phoebe's blog... you're supposed to fill in the damn
Yeah. I'm a leader... or something... can't remember x_x
Q68. 請講一件我令你印象好深刻既事
erm... not really x_x;;;
Why didn't u ask me to come for Beatrice's birthday :x
Q70. 甚麼人會令你想揍他一頓?
Car drivers in Dongguan. They piss me off, daily.
I'd snuggle up on her and do whatever that'd make her happy... x_x;;;
Blue color. No pictures since I alwasys can't make out the icons with pictures in the
奸.... hahaha~
Q74. 如果一定要你揀, 你會寧願住一間有老鼠0既屋啊?定係有蟑螂0既屋呢?
老鼠…(me 2...so that my cat would have something real to hunt... hahaha)
Q75. 最喜歡什麼植物?
被點名的 : Maymay(mayloverain), 阿恩(Kittyppy), Prudy (ptkchik), Ada(whirlgigi), Eunice(eunicebible), 阿恩(chiyan78)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Have a tickle :P

I elbowed 2 glasses off the table in a single poker game at Heaven. Think they are pretty pissed off with me for that... or maybe not, since I lost like $200 to them in 4 hrs -.-;;;

Since you're here, have a tickle... and then later comment on this:
If you were me(having HKD$5000 and wanting to have a computer to blog, work and keep some personal financial records), would you...
1.) Buy a duo-core laptop that can run Vista at about HKD$8000 - $12000 (on hire purchase)?
2.) Buy an average-okay 1.6g laptop that runs XP at HKD$5000?
3.) not buy a laptop.
Please comment. Thx!
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