Monday, November 20, 2006

the rude / the courteous / the destiny

This morning, I was moving my computer and stuff on a trolley to the elevator.
The door opened and there was just enough space for me & my lil trolley.
Some auntie that looks a little older than my mom, crept up behind me and cut my way into the elevator. And for your information, the lift isn't your regular modern lift that comes up to the 1st floor because you pressed the button; it only comes 'by-the-way' from above. And that means I'll have to wait for the freakin lift to some above floor and go down.

She had a strong belief that I should let her go in first because probably...
1.) I was pushing a trolley.
2.) She's an elderly. Young punks like me should let her go in first.

I don't think so. If you need to use the freakin elevator, you go inside after people whom are in front of you has gone in first.
1.) She has gray hair. She's definately not the type that is in need of using the elevator any more than I do. More like, she's fucked up and is lazy.
2.) Sorry, but I am no gentleman to bitches like these.

So I shouted at her... deep inside my heart.
Then channeled the energy of my anger to carry the stuff downstairs manually instead.

And then it had to rain after I moved the computer outside... luckily the comp's still okay -.-;;;


I was going to post a parcel in the afternoon at Kowloon Bay. But somehow I've forgotten the exact position of the post office and so I asked some auntie whom looked 'Kowloonbayese'. She pointed in a direction and told me it's behind the bank. I said thank you and she was nice enough to tell me 'have a nice day' (or something similar).

I jogged in that direction for a while and couldn't find it.
Someone tapped my shoulder; the auntie who pointed me this way.
She was almost wheezing running after me...
All that just to tell me she had made a mistake and its the other side... x_x;;;;


Anyway, I'm quite fed up living in this place.
As many of you people might know that I'm not particular about what I wear.
I've heard comments about me looking like a criminal when I didn't shave that day.
Those old people who get out of the lift with me makes sure I walk in front of them and not behind them. Sometimes aunties... yeah.

I better start working for my future. I don't wanna stay here any much longer.

Btw I quited my job today. Wanna work for F&B industries. Anything will do...

"The Water will move out of this puddle, with the help of the sun..."

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