Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Happiness overrides all

Which of the following can cause more pain? A piece of paper, or a stack of paper?

321. The answer is a piece of paper. I had a slight paper cut on my finger today that has been effectively causing me pain since I started work today. But still, it doesn't ruin my mood.

Work screwed up as usual; careless mistakes, accidental deletions of important words and blahblah.

Then came my payslip. There's a slight mistake in it... in a good way :)
Or maybe its a sign telling me that i won't be spending so much time in HKIEd anymore... :o

But who cares... I'll just do my job to my best and just hackcare. Bleh! :P

Monday, April 24, 2006


That's Gigi. A few months old cat that is slightly visually handicapped after its owner accidentally banged the door on this cute girl's head. The owner says that since she cannot catch any mouse, it would not be any use to her and so the owner prefers to just, let it die...

You can prevent her death by adopting her back to your home. She's a whole bundle of fun and I promise that she'd be a wonderful additional member to your home... :)

I'm personally trying to convince the neighbouring restaurants/shops to take her in... but we cannot just put her in the cage for such a long period of time.

And I'd hate to see her get euthanized -.-;;;

Have you seen ahfai recently?

hi :)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

so i've got emo pain x1, where's the physical ones now?

i know whats gonna cause you to fail in life
but fuck it, just fuckin have fun!

repeat it, repeat.

schedule task according to importance she says
i sure did that, according what i felt important at the moment
gaming, eating and sleeping
and i'll multitask by ignoring the books at the same time

surf the web
switch on the messengers
get a new phone and email accounts

sorry you're not needed by anyone
because you made yourself useless


i've been feeling depressed since last night. stupid things like this shouldn't happen. i blame myself for it even though no one wants me to. shame on me. and i'm fat. i hate myself.

i'll be alright now. depression is gone, now that i've vented it out... :D

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My day sucked.

I had lunch with my two new, pretty & educated colleagues today. They are nice people.
I had baked pork chop rice. They had chicken noodles and pork rice respectively.
We had coffee and tea too. I saw 2 old colleagues and pretended not to see them. Don't know why.
Lunch was great. She accompanied me to the Block A to get things done.
Work was okay. I spent one hour typing an email to a few students. Later on my colleague tried
to psycho me to tuition her kids.

I rushed off work at 17:90, jumped into the scheduled bus just before it left the station, panting. Listened to my ipod. Jotted down points to how to possibly improve that kids English.

Got off the bus and went to the bookstore to check out assessment books. Most of the assessment books are from SG. Got bored. Played kof and won a lot even though my hand was shivering in the cold aircon. My clothes reeked of cigarette smell when i left.

Had dinner at my grandma's. They quarrelled over a plate. I left and then quarrelled with my mom. Mom cried and i think its my fault. I'm an unfillial son.

My day sucks.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I've done sooo much stuff this week...

Ah ha! Its the Good Friday Holidays and I'm sorry I couldn't catch a plane to eat Nasi Lemak over at your place! Anyway, Happy birthday to lawrence and lets check out what I've done these few days! :D

I've been very hardworking in checking out and finding more uses for MS Excel since I've had like 7 hours of free time on a particularly free day...

Went to a Hi-Tea Buffet at the JW. Marriott. Ate so much of this delicious chocolate puff that I had diarhhea for two consecutive days... still, i think i wanna go back for more if they have discounts for that buffet again :)~

In other words, Red Bean Ice Cream. My first time eating Red beans ice cream in hk? Haha~

And I've been reminded by various sources about the little project thingy. Thanks for giving me more time to think it through.

Celebrated my father's birthday at some club with deafening music, karaoke, and etc. Drank lots of 'redbull+absolut vodka'. Rejected a few indecent proposals. Paid some hefty tips to the people cute waitress. Slept at 7am... because of Red Bulls.

Came back to Hong Kong around 8pm today. As you can see from this photo, it was not very fun to be pushing / being pushed around. Had urges to slash my way through the queue with a really sharp katana... :)

Monday, April 10, 2006

10 years of experience being a character in KOF.

Its been 10 years already and they still look the same, don't they...? :)

I LOVE ALL PLATFORM FIGHTING GAMES AND I WANT TO MAKE AN ONLINE ONE FOR MYSELF!!! THE ULTIMATE, BEST PLATFORM FIGHTING GAME THAT PEOPLE CAN PLAY ONLINE!!! Plans have been drawned up!!! I've applied for the relavant courses that will enable me to do so!!! Roar roar roar!!! 10 years of dreaming has to be realised!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Type 7 : Adventurer! :D

the Adventurer
Test finished!
you chose AX - your Enneagram type is SEVEN.

"I am happy and open to new things"

Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute
to the world.

How to Get Along with Me

  • Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.

  • Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.

  • Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.

  • Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.

  • Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.

  • Don't tell me what to do.

What I Like About Being a Seven

  • being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down

  • being spontaneous and free-spirited

  • being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.

  • being generous and trying to make the world a better place

  • having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures

  • having such varied interests and abilities

What's Hard About Being a Seven

  • not having enough time to do all the things I want

  • not completing things I start

  • not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing;
    not making a commitment to a career

  • having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies

  • feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship

Sevens as Children Often

  • are action oriented and adventuresome

  • drum up excitement

  • prefer being with other children to being alone

  • finesse their way around adults

  • dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up

Sevens as Parents

  • are often enthusiastic and generous

  • want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life

  • may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele

The Enneagram Made Easy

Discover the 9 Types of People

HarperSanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages

You liked the test? so please RATE it...

but remember! it had only two questions!!! ;-)

You are not completely happy with the result?!

You chose AX

Would you rather have chosen:

  • BX (NINE)
  • CX (TWO)
  • AY (EIGHT)
  • AZ (THREE)

  • My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
    free online datingfree online dating
    You scored higher than 69% on ABC
    free online datingfree online dating
    You scored higher than 31% on XYZ
    Link: The Quick and Painless ENNEAGRAM Test written by felk on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

    Monday, April 03, 2006

    Self therapy...

    x smoked a cigarette
    x smoked a cigar
    x made out with a member of the same sex
    x been in love <<< awwz.
    x been dumped <<< awwz... ouch.
    x shoplifted <<< got caught. punishment has not been forgotten until now... @_@
    x been fired <<< for being totally fucked up... hahahaha~
    x been in a fist fight <<< ...
    x snuck out of parent’s house <<< hah thats like the normal routine back then!
    x had feelings for someone who didnt have them back all the time <<< T_T
    x been arrested <<< style="font-weight: bold;">.
    x made out with a stranger.
    x gone on a blind date once, only & last <<< friendster date... grr. butt ugly... -_-;;
    x lied to a friend <<< i'm sorry... but well...
    x had a crush on a teacher <<< Ms Han, Ms Wong... yummy.... mwahahhaa~
    x skipped school <<< what could they've done when my parents were overseas? muahaha!!!
    x slept with a co-worker >>> I WISH! Hahhaahhaha~!
    x seen someone die <<< animals euthanized... does it count? well, the only time was when those captured person got caught by the terrorists...Al Qaeda i think... that headshot bang video.
    x been overseas <<< wh0a?
    x been on a plane <<< actually i lied! i swam all the way to hk from sg! XD
    x thrown up in a bar <<< right outside the bar, yes.
    x set a part of myself on fire
    x eaten sushi <<< who hasn't?!
    x gone crazy at a concert
    x love someone or miss someone right now <<< its not like its important... heh
    x laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
    x made a snow angel
    x had a tea party <<< back then... yeah.
    x flown a kite
    x built a sand castle doesn't look like one though <<< ~_~;
    x gone puddle jumping
    x played dress up <<< haha wanna see me in my costume?
    x jumped into a pile of leaves
    x gone sledding <<< in Canada and Korea... fun shit :D
    x cheated while playing a game <<< what is considered cheating ah? haha
    x been lonely once in a blue moon <<< all the time :x fallen asleep at work/school <<< many times... many many times...
    x used a fake id
    x watched the sun set <<< in the morning skies, on the boat....
    x felt an earthquake
    x touched a snake
    x been tickled [the person i got this quiz from said this : I'll kick anyone in the face if anyone dare to try that]
    x been robbed <<< in china... yes. fuck.
    x been misunderstood <<< all the time.... i have communication problems.
    x won a contest
    x ran a red light
    x been suspended from school <<< thats for truancy and for the fight... :x been in a car accident
    x had braces
    x felt like an outcast <<< all the time when i was in sec sch...
    x eaten a whole tub of ice cream in one night <<< not like its so hard to :o
    x had deja vu <<< ALOT!
    x danced in the moonlight
    x hated the way you look
    x witnessed a crime <<< not once, not twice... more than thrice. all in china.
    x questioned your heart <<< who do i really love... yeah. I'm kinda flirty~ hehehe~
    x been obsessed with post-it notes <<< i'm still obsessed with post-its... and the office staff still doesn't know it yet!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
    x squished barefoot through the mud <<< from one side of the river to another during some stupid camp shit.... grr.
    x been lost <<< very long ago... when i was a kid. Tugged to a wrong parent in the uber crowded shopping centre... -_-;
    x been to the opposite side of the country <<< hahahhaha what an achievement!!!
    x swam in the ocean <<< Every year, on the first day of the year.
    x felt like dying <<< whenever i have to do homework... hahahaha!
    x cried yourself to sleep
    x played cops and robbers
    x recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers

    x sung karaoke <<<>_>
    x paid for a meal with only coins <<< ( just to screw the cashier for offering bad customer service)
    x done something you told yourself you wouldn’t <<< don't forget to do homework... don't... ... ... don't do homework.
    x made prank phone calls to a crush many years back
    x laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose

    x caught a snowflake on your tongue <<< in korea... :P
    x danced in the rain
    x written a letter to Santa Claus
    x been kissed under the mistletoe

    x watched the sun set with someone you care about <<< ahh :)
    x blown bubbles <<< yeah... dunno how long ago?
    x made a bonfire on the beach
    x crashed a party
    x gone rollerskating

    x had a wish come true <<< yeah... but i'm not telling since it was a very secret wish... hah!
    x worn pearls
    x jumped off a bridge

    x ate dog/cat food >>> just for the fun of it :x
    x told a complete stranger you loved them <<< very embarassing... but strangely satisfying.
    x kissed a mirror <<< ...
    x sang in the shower <<< lalala!~
    x have a black dress <<< HELL NO!
    x had a dream that you married someone <<< i once dreamt i married this friend of mine... yes i did. I never went out with her afterwards... :o (or maybe she didn't come out anymore when i told her abt it... :o)
    x glued your hand to something
    x got your tongue stuck to a something metal
    x kissed a fish
    x worn the opposite sexes clothes
    x been a cheerleader

    x sat on a roof top <<< ~_~;
    x screamed/shouted at the top of your lungs <<< just for the fun of it... hahaha~
    x done a one-handed cartwheel
    x talked on the phone for more than 5 hours <<< girlfriend... bleh.
    x stayed up all night <<< its like an everyday thing? lol!
    x didn’t take a shower for a week
    x pick and ate an apple right off the tree
    x climbed a tree <<< :)
    x had a tree house/club house
    x are scared to watch scary movies alone
    x believe in ghosts
    x have more then 30 pairs of shoes
    x worn a really ugly outfit just to see what others say
    x gone streaking
    x played chicken
    x been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on <<<>_>;
    x been told you’re hot by a complete stranger <<< the canteen auntie? hahahahha!!!
    x caught a fish then ate it <<< At tioman islands, on the boat. Fried instantly... hehe :D
    x caught a butterfly
    x laughed so hard you cried <<< Memorable. I unclogged the toilet after 3 hrs of pumping... hahahahahhaha!!!
    x cried so hard you laughed
    x mooned/flashed someone
    x had someone moon/flash you
    x cheated on a test <<< had the answers written on my pencil... hehehhehehe :x
    x have a Britney Spears CD
    x forgotten someone’s name <<< >_>;;; embarassing...
    x slept naked <<< oops :P
    x wanted to have sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush <<< ~_~;
    x been obsessed with a band

    Sunday, April 02, 2006

    Hi guys~

    I've been pretty tired out from working these few days especially when free OT is expected from me. At 8.30pm I was still in the office last night, working away... ~_~;;;

    But well, its kind of worth it for now...


    Blah. And I'm involved in a ping-pong bitchfight in the office. I'm the ball and two colleagues that has been angry at each other for ten years are slapping me to and fro; one on the left and one on the right...

    I seriously don't see how this place can actually function, as a team / department. Communication is almost impossible without 'siding' with someone? wtf?

    Well, 5 mths will be over soon and I hope to be still working in this crazy department after that... heh... so that i can go study some shit and earn a piece of 'sand-paper'(thats what they call degrees in Hong Kong)...


    happy things.

    Apart from the crapshit work that I do, I had Haagen Daaz Azuki Beans Ice cream last night. I'm not a major fan of red bean icecream/ice popsicles... but this one is really good. The initial mouthful doesn't really taste very good but when it starts melting a bit... wh0a... then I KNOW how come its worth HKD$17.90 ... lol~

    And today is the first time I saw 'Shanghai nian gao'... before its actually cooked(usually fried)...